• kenichi_sugawara
    Kenichi Sugawara

    SmartNews Inc.
    Head of Brand Advertising

    Kenich Sugawara joined SmartNews June 2016. SmartNews has more than 6 million users per month, more than 12 minutes per person per day. He leads SmartNews as a Head of Brand Advertising. In his career, he had responsible for the service development and the marketing of the digital advertising platform at Scale Out K.K (currently Supership K.K). After that, He became the CMO at Mediba K.K when it acquired Scale Out K.K. He leaded its advertising business and marketing. Scale out K.K., Nanapi K.K. and Bitseller K.K. merged to become Supership K.K, He leaded the business development as CMO of the company.
  • Session:Valuable for EC sales! The sustainable touch points with consumers though high quality contents