30th, May, 2017
※Program is subject to change.
Registration Open
Please relax and enjoy the beautiful nature of Odawara.
Door Open
Based on prior questionnaire, we will share honest thoughts of both Brands and Partners and their true intention towards one another. In order to make this 3 days more fruitful, we summarize the main points to focus, while confirming the current situation and challenges. What will be revealed at COMMERCE SUMMIT this year?
Entering this year, we started to hear many headline stories of major US retailers closing shops and/or filing for bankruptcy. There are also signs of major impacts of E-commerce, not only in the US/EU and China, but also in ASEAN. Until now, strong E-commerce retailers, such as Amazon, seemed to have driven the market, but because of the changes in consumer behavior via smartphones, various technological advances have been made to optimize customer experiences, accelerating the direct selling by manufacturers and brands. On the manufacturer/brand side, it seems that the most important thing is to seamlessly integrate all aspects of commerce, from marketing, selling, to support. What kind of market opportunity does digital transformation bring to the retail space? Transcosmos shares its vision to become the trustworthy partner to help sellers seize that opportunity.
Please feel free to use this time for more networking.
Several years have passed since the “Omni Channel” strategy became a major outbreak in Japan. Looking back, how is it now? What is the ideal relationship between real stores and EC in the future? Consumers cross various channels. With having this said, we will discuss how to design the strategies, along with retail industry experts.
Customer eXperience(CX) is an important idea, but not familiar in Japan yet, even eCommerce User eXperience(UX) is very popular.
CX includes not only, eCommerce UX, but many other kinds of idea and approach, for example Omni Channel, Big Data, Personalize, Customer Journey and so on.
Try to explain how should we realize the CX, and “transparency” in Commerce from now.
Welcome reception will be held on the first day to share your purpose and idea for this summit with the other attendees. Please make this a place of communication to further enhance the session and networking opportunities throughout the summit.
Emerging Products – “Ploom TECH” Introduction